This event was the final event of the virtual Skills 4 Scientists series run by the Artificial Intelligence for Scientific Discovery Network+ (AI3SD) and the Physical Sciences Data-Science Service (PSDS). This event was a virtual 2 day poster symposia on the 1st and 2nd of September (between AI3SD, PSDS & RSC-CICAG) where attendees were invited to present their research to a range of experts from industry and academia.
There were short talks from the following organisations about their different career opportunities: AstraZeneca, Avco Systems, CCDC, CAS, CCDC, DeepMatter, Dotmatics, EPSRC, GSK, Optibrium, Royal Society of Chemistry and Sense about Science (for further details check out the Companies Page), and a talk about why to apply for PhD opportunities in the Physical Sciences.
Each afternoon speed networking sessions were held for attendees to talk to different companies in more detail.
There were poster sessions for all of the submitted posters to be presented.
All posters can be also found here.
This event was generously sponsored by Optibrium and Dotmatics. Further details about our sponsors can be found on our Sponsors Page.