Throughout the duration of the Network+ we will be putting out funding calls for specific research projects and incubator secondments. There will also be an ECR support fund.
Network Funding Opportunities
- Research Projects (pilot projects, feasibility studies): The network will make calls for early stage research proposals, with a range of funding for short projects (up to 6 months with finding from £10k – £40k). Innovative co-creation projects between AI and Physical Science researchers will be a requirement of the funding.
- Incubator Secondments: To ensure we build a collaborative and cohesive network the workshop and other activities will be complemented by secondments to an incubator-like unit with access to experimental, data and computational facilities providing an ideal environment in which to test ideas and carry out collaborative initial investigations. We have allocated 24 months of RA time to bring researchers together in Southampton for short periods.
- ECR Support (Conference and Related): Support for early career researchers will be provided by financial assistance for travel to workshops, conferences and secondments, enabling time to be spent with others (early and senior researchers) at the meetings, and the incubator. The network will enable and fund short demonstrator projects to support grant applications, and through the networking and incubator provide advice and help with grant applications.
- Workshop Funding: Support for Co-Funding and Co-Organising Workshops will be provided. This funding can be applied to through our Workshop Application Form.