NB: This funding call has now closed and 3 successful projects were selected for funding:
- Predicting the Activity of Drug Candidates where there is No Target. Principal Investigator. Professor Matthew Todd, Lead Institution: UCL, Project Partners: Auromind, ExScientia & Intellegens.
- ‘Next-next’ Generation Quantum DNA Sequencing with Chemical Surface Design and Capsule Nets. Principal Investigator: Professor Tim Albrecht, Lead Institution: University of Birmingham, Project Partner: City, University of London.
- Deep Learning enhanced quantum chemistry: Pushing the limits of Materials Discovery. Principal Investigator: Dr Reinhard J. Maurer, Lead Institution: University of Warwick, Project Partners: University of Strathclyde & Carnegie Mellon University.
We are pleased to announce our first AI3SD funding call, which will focus on the theme of Chemical Discovery.
The following priority areas are:
- Novel aspects of AI and Drug Discovery
- Machine Learning and AI Reasoning for Chemical Discovery
- AI for Chemical Assemblies, Nanoscience
- AI, Molecular Topology and Property Prediction
- Synergies between AI and Simulations
The Key dates are as follows:
- 7th January – Announce Call on Website
- 22nd January – “Network Town Meeting” at the SCI (Eventbrite Link)
- 18th February – Application Deadline (application forms must be sent to Samantha Kanza the Network+ Coordinator at s.kanza@ai3sd.org before Midnight on the 18th)
- 21st March – Formal Call Announce (After AB Meeting)
Please read the Guidance Document carefully before filling in the Application Form (both files can be downloaded from this page below). The Terms and Conditions can be found in our AI3SD Network+ Award Agreement.
Please note: Individual projects can request up to £40,000 funding (total spend up to £50,000 as per FEC 80%). Applicants will be awarded 80% of the full cost, and the institution receiving the award is responsible for the remaining 20%.
If you have any questions please contact our Network+ Coordinator Dr Samantha Kanza on s.kanza@ai3sd.org
Below are some general points of advice. FAQs about our funding calls can be found on our new Funding FAQ Page.
A few Key Points
- The Call and the Network+
- This call and indeed the network stretches across computing, mathematical sciences, AI and the chemistry and physics areas, chemicals and materials discovery and so is looking to bring together researchers from industry and academia in these wide range of domains.
- Applications:
- Non traditional applicants who are eligible (detailed on the EPSRC Website) are very welcome
- When you put down a finance contact, please make sure to put down someone you have actually spoken to and who has approved your numbers. Similarly the sign off from your institution means that your overall institutional approval includes approving your finance proposals.
- It is ideal to have specific people organised to work on the project you are proposing if you are successful, so we know someone is already lined up.
- Obligations
- There will be administrative obligations. You will need to keep in contact with Dr Samantha Kanza (The Network+ Coordinator) and keep her/the Network+ up to date with your progress (e.g. via a website/blog/reports).
- Recipients of the funding MUST produce a report at the end of the project, or you cannot get the funding.
- We hope that recipients of the funding will attend our Network+ Events, in particular the big Network+ Conference at the end of November this year.
- Publicity
- We understand that writing a technical report may be more in line with the project, so we may arrange a journalist to talk to you to produce a report that is easier to disseminate to non expert audiences.
- We will disseminate about your projects and link to publications on our website.
- Ethics applications
- If you are conducting any studies that involve humans and or personal data then you must obtain ethics approval. If you cannot obtain them through your own institution, please let us know and we can see if we can do it through the Southampton ethics board.